
Financial feasibility means the ability of a project to achieve sufficient income, credit, and cash flow to financially sustain the project over the long term and meet all debt obligations.

Financial Feasibility

A financial feasibility study, or FFS, should assess the viability of a project based on major pivotal component: will the project or business have enough cash to complete the project (and generate a profit). One of the bottom lines of any business is whether a company can sustain itself, pay its employees and of course make a profit. A financial study can help in this assessment.

Components to considers include:

  • Company Expenses
  • Revenues
  • Assets
  • Liabilities
  • Cash flow (money in, and money out).

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An economic or finance feasibility study is developed for companies that seek to understand the amount of capital they need to procure to successfully start and complete any given project. While a business plan may have a section called the “CBA” or cost-benefit-analysis, in an economic feasibility study it will be greater in detail and have more statistics and numbers in the financials.